Vietnamese Journal of Legal Sciences (VJLS) is a semi-annual journal that aims to provide an avenue for the publication of high quality, peer-reviewed research on wide-ranging areas of law and legal studies that are of contemporary interest. Founded under the initiative of Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, a leading legal educational and training institution of Vietnam, the VJLS provides a platform for national and cross-national discussion on topics in both public and private law, as well as interdisciplinary contributions that are relevant to legal studies.
The VJLS publishes articles, book reviews, case commentaries and other such which analyse the recent development related to legal issues raised in Vietnam or other countries in the context of development and modernization.
For its issues which will be published tentatively in June 2019 and December 2019, the VJLS welcomes submissions from academicians, practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in the field. Articles should be between 10,000-20,000 words in length, including footnotes. Their publication will be subject to double-blind peer-review.
Selected papers will be published online and in printed version. They will be indexed by De Gruyter Open, which provides open access to listed papers among universities, researchers and scholars. After publication, authors will receive:
- Digital publication certificate
- Journal link and individual research paper open access web-link
- Complete e-journal along with cover page
- Indexing with De Gruyter Open, Google Scholar
Guide for authors:
- The research paper shall be written in English. It shall be original and unpublished work.
- The paper shall not be plagiarized, and free from grammatical, spelling and other errors.
- The paper’s content shall be typewritten in the font Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.0 and justified alignment. The citations must be typewritten in the font Times New Roman, font size 10, line spacing 1.0 and justified alignment.
The deadlines for final paper submission: 15 May, 2019 for the June issue and 15 November, 2019 for the December issue. A confirmation email will be delivered to the authors whose work has been shortlisted for publication no later than the 30 of May, 2019 and the 30 of November, 2019 respectively.
Papers should be sent to